
Uses For Bacon Grease Other Than Cooking

25+ uses for bacon grease

One of the old-fashioned homesteading traditions I love is saving and using bacon grease. A tradition started in times where butter and oil were harder to come by, bacon grease has added oil and flavor to many a dish for generations.

Probably my most favorite source of protein for breakfast, we always have at least one jar of grease set aside in the fridge waiting to be topped off.

Munchkin has loved bacon since her first taste and if given the choice between that and sausage,she goes for the bacon every time.

Why Save Bacon Grease?

When we started on our journey with homesteading and becoming less wasteful, bacon grease was one of the first things we started using more.

Everyone knows you shouldn't put grease and oils down your disposal or sink(even though we've had to remind my grandparents a million times after snaking their drain yet again….) so you end up throwing it away.

With meat prices rising in recent years, that's money in the trash. Bacon is a splurge for many households now,especially the good smokey ones, so using as much of the meat and it's byproducts helps to make the most of your money.

Many generations grew up with their mom or grandma having a coffee can on the stove full of bacon grease. Memories of bacon drippings, fresh bread soaked in bacon grease and making fried potatoes make their way into our comfort food as we become adults. Something about the smokey saltiness of bacon is irresistible.

Storing Bacon Grease

One of the first things you need to know before you start using the bacon grease, is how to save the bacon grease. Depending on if you plan on using it for eating, or things like candle and soap making changes up how you store it and if you render it.(straining out any bits left)

I personally reuse old pasta and salsa jars, a lot of people use small jelly jars or coffee cans. I've even seen a dedicated bacon grease coffee mug! Try to avoid using plastic unless you have the time and space to let the grease cool a good bit before hand.(Pouring straight from the pan will melt the plastic.)

Make sure your glass is NOT cold, people have stated that if their jar is cold, or has a chip, hot grease will cause the jar to explode. (An old fashioned tip for this is to put a spoon into the jar and pour it down the spoon. It absorbs some of the heat, cooling it down before it fills the jar.)

If you want to strain it, put a strainer or something like a coffee filter or cheesecloth over the jar before pouring. Pour slowly and let drip.Leaving bacon pieces can cause the jar to go rancid if you don't use it fast enough or leave it out and it gets warm.

Check out Love Love Thing for a how to tutorial for straining.

If you plan on using bacon grease for soap making, Soap Queen has one of the best tutorials on how to render bacon grease.

How Long Can You Store Bacon Grease?

Room temperature grease lasts 3-4 weeks. Refrigerated lasts about 6 months. You can also freeze bacon grease.

I've heard about leaving in jars with about 1/2 inch of head-space, using a Ziploc bag or an ice-cube tray. Freezer bacon grease lasts 1-2 years.

So depending on how much bacon your family consumes and how fast you use it, you could have a decent stock up on hand. (I've also heard about canning bacon grease but have never personally tried it.)

25+ Uses for Bacon Grease

There are some food and some non food uses for Bacon Grease on here. Any non food/ survivalist uses please research and use at your discretion(A lot of the survival uses are better using pure lard or unsalted bacon due to corrosion and reactions.)


Our favorite way to use bacon grease is to make bacon and then use the grease to fry up some eggs to go with it. Mr Moose is a bit picky about his eggs so his get cooked last to cut the amount of greasiness that carries over. ( if you have enough grease it acts like a deep fryer with scrambled eggs and is similar to making fluffy scrambles like many Ramen noodles use.)


One of the most well known uses of grease is cornbread. Substitute for butter and don't forget to grease the pan as well for the best smoky flavor.

Pan or Oven Roasted veggies

We use bacon grease on a lot of our roasted veggies. Brussels sprouts, green beans, peas, radishes( or radish greens) you name it. Either saute in a frying pan or use it to oil your cookie sheet and pop it in the oven. Our favorite is sugar snap peas with bacon pieces, some soy sauce and seasonings. So good!

Sauteed Cabbage

Whether you make cabbage steaks or shredded cabbage, pan frying cabbage with a spoon or two of bacon grease ups the flavor big time.Try with a dash of mesquite seasoning for a super smoky flavor.


Loaded mashed potatoes, home fries and fried potatoes. You can't get much better than adding some bacon flavor.


Use to cook corn kernels in or smear across a fresh cob and broil.

Roasted Chickpeas

Add to your chickpeas to switch up the flavor.


Add to baked beans or refried beans.


Add to potato soup, beef and vegetable stew or ham potato and green beans(our favorite winter dish, great with a chunk of pork back(aka bacon)) One recipe I found, the guy swore bacon grease was his secret ingredient to his chili, just don't add too much.

Onions and Peppers

Saute green onions or peppers in bacon grease to let them soak up all that goodness. Great to use before adding to soups or casseroles.


Use to make stove-top popcorn, or substitute for butter.


Use in place of butter when making homemade biscuits. You can also give refrigerator biscuits more of a homemade taste by dipping them in the grease before baking.

Grilled Cheese

Butter your bread with bacon grease before frying it. Amp it up some more by adding bacon to your grilled cheese fillings.( bacon and brie is supposed to be super good.)

French Toast/ Pancakes

Use to grease the pan to add a savory flavor. We also pan fry bread pieces since we don't have a toaster, it turns out really well.

Quesadillas/Indian Fry Bread

Same as French toast and pancakes. Use to grease pan before frying to add flavor.

Mac and Cheese

Use in place of butter to make bacon and cheddar Mac and Cheese. If you make homemade pastas sauces using a roux(A heated flour and milk mix to thicken a sauce), use to brown your flour. It's really good used as a base for Chicken Alfredo.

Fried Rice

Add for flavor.


Use to grease the pan for added bacon flavor.

Bacon Gravy

Some people swear by bacon gravy. I believe it's a Southern thing? We enjoy biscuits and sausage gravy so Bacon gravy is on my list to try out soon. Check out South Your Mouth for a recipe.


Use to oil your bread cubes before topping with seasonings and popping into the oven. Bacon and chive croutons would be so good.

Baconnaise( Bacon Mayo)

Make your own Bacon Mayo by using the grease for your oil. Check out Texas Homesteader for a how-to. ( And then use your baconnaise to make your grilled cheese.)

Bacon Vinaigrette

Some bacon, garlic, honey, mustard and ACV( apple cider vinegar) and you've got the perfect dressing to toss on a spinach salad or hot brussel sprouts. I think this would be really good on some roasted red baby potatoes. Check out Foodie With Family for the recipe.


If you like the sweet/salty combo of bacon and chocolate, try mixing raw honey, cocoa and bacon grease for a homemade candy melt. Or use bacon grease instead of butter in your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Pie crusts/Bread

Brush onto crusts and bread tops to crisp up while baking. Some people swear by the sweet savory combo adding the best blend of flavors.

Season your Cast Iron

Use to oil your cast iron pans after cooking. (Or if you cook bacon enough just leave some residual until next time.. lol)


Make some bird suet balls or dip a pine cone in grease and then roll in seeds. Add to your cat or dogs dry food to help gain weight and add shine to their coat. Make a treat and feed to your chickens for an extra protein snack.


Use bacon grease, lean meat jerky, berries and nuts and make your own Indian style protein source. Grind into a paste, spread out and let dry. (Warning Bacon grease can obviously soften in warm conditions so it may melt together.)


Render bacon grease to use as an oil for soap making. Bacon grease and lard add white creamy suds to soap and are very moisturizing. Soap Queen has some good tutorials on this.

Leather Polish

In a pinch you can condition your leather hiking boots or belt. Try to not use it too often due to the salt content and avoid using if going out into a predator heavy area.(Around bears is a really bad idea!!!) It also supposedly helps to waterproof( please do not use this on canvas or you will never get it all out!) and can lubricate wooden or metal items as a last resort.

Bug/ Critter Traps and Bait

Bugs like grease ants and even some cockroaches are attracted to grease instead of sugar. Use for bug traps, or to bait a trap for raccoons and other wildlife pests.


I personally have not tried this but the theory is you have a hot food in a jar or crock. You pour bacon grease over the top to form a seal at least 1/4 inch thick and as long as that seal stays together it acts as a preservative. You'll have to do some more research and decide for yourself if it works.

Fire starter

Soak strips of cotton, cardboard egg cartons or strips of twine in grease to help start a fire while camping. Try pouring some grease on kindling before grilling to use in place of lighter fluid.

Fishing Lure

Use as fish bait for any fish that like meaty baits

Splinters and Dry skin

Use to moisten and soften skin for dry heels, cracks and splinters or rashes. Just don't let the dog lick you!

Make an Emergency candle

Using an old mason jar, place a pencil with twine or a strip of cotton t shirt on the top and fill jar with hot bacon grease. Let cool until solid and then you have your own bacon scented or emergency candle.

Bacon Grease Medicinal Remedies

Apparently bacon grease helps with scrapes, bug-bites, rashes, scabies and sunburn. Use to stop a nosebleed by dipping a cotton swab in a small amount and rubbing inside the nasal cavity. The salt helps to constrict blood-flow and slows the bleeding.

Bio fuel

Now these I will not swear by, this will require quite a bit of research before attempting. Supposedly you can use filtered grease to dilute your diesel in a generator. Or convert your car into a bio fuel and combine it with methanol to have a oil run engine.( I've seen similar where people have converted their vehicles to run on old fry oil.) ( I do not swear by any of these, please research before attempting so you don't screw up expensive vehicles or motors.)

If your bacon grease does go rancid, don't throw it out! You can add it to your garden fertilizer in small amounts to attract more earth worms.( Don't use too much or add to compost. Animal based fats and oils smother oxygen and draw bacteria instead of breaking down properly like other compostables.)

Now this isn't for Bacon Grease but one thing I've heard a lot about is Bacon Jam! You'll have to let me know if you've ever made it before and how it is. If you'd like to try it, check out Noble Pig for a recipe.

I also found a recipe for bacon infused bourbon that sounds delish! Check on over at The Daily Meal for the recipe

That's all I can think of for now. What's your favorite use for bacon grease? Tell me in the comments below(If you have any recipes you'd love to share email me or share on our Facebook page.)

See you soon!

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Rendering for Soaps:

Bacon Jam:


Emergency Candles:


Bacon Bourbon:

Uses For Bacon Grease Other Than Cooking


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